
API design

common API style

1.Tunnel-Style SOAP(Simple object Access Protocol)

Protocol Stack (ws - *)

WS-CDL Collabration
WS-BPEC Business process
WSDL,Policy,UDDI,Inspection,Meta data Description
Security Reliable Message Transaction Coordinated Quality of Services
SOAP(Logical messaging ) Other Protocols  
XML Encoding other services Transport and encoding

Tunnel Style:Advantage and Limitation

Advantage :

Limitation :

2.URI Style :CURD(Create ,Read,Update,Delete)

URI Style History

1992(HTTP) ——> 1995(URI’S)——> 1998 (xml)——> 2001(Json)

protocol stack :

common implementation model :

URI style advantage and disadvantage :

Advantage :


3.Hypermedia style :Rest(Representational State Transfer)

Protocol Stacks :

Advantage and Disadvantage

Advantage :


4.Event Driven style:

5.Graphql and gRPC