API design
common API style
- Tunnel style (SOAP)
- URI Style(CURD)
- Hypermedia style(REST)
- Event-driven
- GraphQL
- gRPC
1.Tunnel-Style SOAP(Simple object Access Protocol)
- Expose as RPC-like interface and provides an interface description for binding
- It uses an XML-Centric message format
- Uses HTTP as a transport protocol for higher application level
Protocol Stack (ws - *)
WS-CDL | Collabration |
WS-BPEC | Business process |
WSDL,Policy,UDDI,Inspection,Meta data | Description |
Security Reliable Message Transaction Coordinated | Quality of Services |
SOAP(Logical messaging ) Other Protocols | |
XML Encoding other services | Transport and encoding |
Tunnel Style:Advantage and Limitation
Advantage :
- Continues RPC line (Corba,Com/Dcom,etc)
- good tooling for Publisher & consumer
- strong governance model for enterprise
Limitation :
- stack dependencies (all or nothing )
- xml-centric implementation
- ignores HTTP features (caching,etc)
- loss in popularity
2.URI Style :CURD(Create ,Read,Update,Delete)
- An object or resources -centric API
- URI and query parameter are used to identify and filter objects
- CURD operation mapped to HTTP methods
URI Style History
1992(HTTP) ——> 1995(URI’S)——> 1998 (xml)——> 2001(Json)
protocol stack :
- HTTP protocol -RFC 2616
- URI For identification - RFC 3986
- MIME for media type - XML,JSON,CSV
common implementation model :
- Focus on the object / entities
design public identifiers (URI)
Design query rule
- use HTTP methods as operation on entities
- server serialize internal object
- client use URI to pass object
URI style advantage and disadvantage :
Advantage :
- http path & query is “well known “
- object “tooling” is good
- URI modeling is not std
- HTTP method set is very small
- may become “chatty”
3.Hypermedia style :Rest(Representational State Transfer)
- Expose a task-based interface often incorporate workflow or state machine
- use media to describe link semantic, templates-based input and message structure
- provides it’s own URI’s
Protocol Stacks :
- relative inside the HTTP
- Basic & digest authentication
- media type
- link relation
Advantage and Disadvantage
Advantage :
- Media types can be customized
- Growing body of guidance
- Favour services that will last many years
- Poor “tooling” MSFI web API
- Assumed to be “too hard”
- limited use in public API
4.Event Driven style:
- Emphasis on event notification
Asynchoronous communication ,”Reactive “
## emerging style
- HTTP-Based technologies : webhook,websocket
- Non-HTTP technologies: apache kaffa,AMQA popular with domain driven design (DDD) ,command query responsibility ,segregation CQRS,Microservices
5.Graphql and gRPC
- Opensources query langanage for API
- developed by Facebook
- intended for fexiblity of argument
- HTTP2-based protocol
- originated at google
- intended for high scale commnunication